Monday, July 21, 2014

Triple Nerd Score - INTERACTIVE EDITION! - Marvel Asks

This one's for everyone! (from Tumblr)

Answer as many of these as you like, as honestly as you like, in the comments.

Spider-Man: How have you dealt with some of the tragedies in your life?

Captain America: What are some things you believe in?

Iron Man: Ever had any epiphanies?

Thor: Talk about your relationship with your family.

Hawkeye: Talk about a time you got a second chance Black Widow: Tell a secret?

Captain Marvel: Are you the recipient of a legacy?

Ms. Marvel: Talk about something new you're doing.

She-Hulk: What keeps you busy?

Hulk: How do you feel about being alone?

Luke Cage: Talk about when you've been treated unfairly, on a small or large scale.

Black Panther: How do you feel about your country?

Black Cat: Do you have a code of ethics?

Daredevil: What is something others see as a weakness, but you know to be a strength?

Doctor Strange: Talk about a moment your life changed paths.

Cyclops: What do you worry about?

Jean Grey: What is something about yourself you can't control?

Storm: What do people look up to you for?

Psylocke: (How?) has your sense of self been challenged?

Rogue: What makes it hard for people to get close to you?

Shadowcat: Talk about growing up.

Beast: Favorite book?

Nightcrawler: Religious beliefs?

Scarlet Witch: What things have you broken?

Quicksilver: Who do you feel protective toward?

Wolverine: What are things you regret?

Mr. Fantastic: How controlling can you be?

Invisible Woman: Talk about a process of finding your identity.

Human Torch: Can people take you seriously?

Thing: Your body-- what are you insecure about? What do you love?

Black Bolt: What don't you ever do?

Silver Surfer: (Where?) do you want to wander?

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